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The De Castilla Family | Colorado Springs Family Photographer

Jeanne has been one of the most supportive and encouraging friends I have had since I moved to Colorado Springs. We both share a love of the outdoors and fresh air and both moved here from the Destin area at nearly the same time. She's always down for dressing up the family on a whim and going out for a session- whether it be in 12 degree snow or the perfect Spring day, her family is down for getting in front of my camera.

Jeanne brought me to a place I had never been before in Fountain, that she knew I would love. Anything green, with delicious light and somewhat New England vibes is where I prefer to shoot. The red rocks and clay of Colorado Springs doesn't speak to me. Don't get me wrong, I adore hiking and mountains, but not like I love lushness and forests.

My favorite part of family sessions is just letting the little ones explore. The way they see the world through their eyes is magical. We let Magnolia get scarily close to the creek and Charlotte pluck at the pink, nearly dead, rose we found near the waterfall.

Let's face it- after this last winter, we deserve this weather in Colorado. You can practically feel the warmth we have been craving in these photos. I will never take advantage of the sun and the light it provides my families to play in.

I am so ecstatic to get out there and do my job again. As of May 1st, outdoor sessions will resume in Colorado. If you are interested in booking a family session, shoot me an e-mail: and let's have some wild fun.


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